Download 6 songs for free via Noisetrade with all tips to benefit the work of Doctors Without Borders as they provide aid in the current Refugee crisis:
All Access Interview: 10 Questions with Tanya Godsey
Listen to Tanya's latest single "In One"
Watch The Story Behind "In One"

We will never repair what we refuse to recognize. Broken for the families of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd & many untold stories before. I stand w/my African American brothers + sisters in grieving not just this moment but generations of systemic suffering.
If you’ve been watching my IG stories you know I’ve been vocal about advocacy + prayer + education. As a Hispanic woman, I’ve always believed racial reconciliation is non negotiable, central to human flourishing + the Gospel. I’m committed to doing more for the long haul including leading a @beabridgebuilder group alongside women I love & respect. .
I’ve always believed relationships are a gold mine for change & miracles can happen when we sit across the table & share our stories. I also believe amplifying the voices of POC through opportunities & tangible support help us to educate, foster empathy & avoid blind spots in our 🖤’s, discipleship & communities.
But today I have the presence of mind to know my words are not enough to bring instruction + consolation. So I offer more than personal conviction. I offer the living & active Word & pray the Spirit reveals Himself to all who have ears to hear:
To do righteousness & justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.” Pr 21:3
The one who loves God must also love his brother & sister 1 Jn 4:21
Search me oh God & know my heart, try me & know my thoughts Ps 139
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ. Gal 3:28
I’ve never spent more time in prayer + lament. Racism, has a root & while we advocate for justice we also remember “we are not fighting against flesh & blood enemies, but against evil rulers & authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, & against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Eph 6:12
The hour is much too late in this battle & in the world for anything less than love & endurance; in conversation, in advocacy, in prayer & most importantly in relationship.
. .
Let us not love with words or speech but with actions & in truth. 1 Jn 3:18

When a storm settles over the sea of life the invitation of God is to lean into the current of His love.
And love is not a power struggle. Love requires consent-surrender to the winds of trust.
If there’s 1 repeating pattern in my life its that all my deepest treasures are direct descendants of the most ravaging storms in my own history. I call this the impossible grace + radical redemption of God working all things for good over time. (Rom 8)
Storms are often used as metaphors for imminent danger but they have a key role in the biblical narrative. Joseph’s painful displacement & betrayal leads him through the winding roads of repeated loss & into divine destiny. From Moses to Daniel & Jonah to Jesus dark hours often dawn into divine purpose.
Storms can carry danger & direction. 1 night this came to life in a dream. I stood at the edge of a beautiful ocean on a day when dark storm clouds loomed. I felt a force like gravity pull me deeper in. As I gave way to the current I noticed the color of the water turn a brilliant green chrystaline. The deeper I went in the more stunning the colors became. Then I noticed I was so deep in I couldn’t see the safety of the shore. The deeper I let the waves carry me the more brilliance there was to behold until I was fully immersed in the beauty of letting go...neck deep in a wild sea of other worldly color. .
I woke up & wrote a song about this dream & understood sometimes we’re drawn into... .
The deep end of relationships & calling
The deep end of scripture & confession
The deep end of our own trouble & 🤍 so we can experience all the brilliant colors of healing, freedom & redemption. Only in the depth of these places are we carried by courageous faith...far, far away from the paralyzing fear of an all too familiar shore. .
We’d never ask for storms but they have the potential to carry us into deep places of communion w/God, ourselves + our purpose + others. .
The invitation of God on a stormy sea never looks like a power struggle but an invitation to let go & be carried to a beautiful new shore.
🤍The Lord will fulfill His purpose in you & will not abandon the work of His hands. Ps 138:8

My 🖤 is shattered w/gratitude-from 18 listeners to 123,700 total listeners in my 1st official yr on Spotify. But this isn’t about math. This is about the stories of life change & the people who have told me they want to live again for the first time in a long time...the ones who’ve told me they can feel themselves “Coming Back To Life.” This is about vulnerable, personal art I’ve received from around the world chronicling journeys of healing mined through these songs. .
It’s hard to believe earlier this year I almost didn’t take the leap to release this new music. In truth, I scattered these songs out into the world on winds of surrender like tiny mustard seeds of faith poured out into unfamiliar fields.
So to look out now & see my lyrics coming alive today...well it has destroyed me in the best way: .
“Lift your eyes to the hills to the fields unafraid | See the blooms bursting through covering every grave | Buried hope has been raised & remade.”
Only God knows the price of a calling...the price of the adventure...the price of the mystery. There are personal, sacred moments hidden in invisible reaches only visible under divine observation. I think its best that way because when you & God are a team I can tell you this: the beauty is SO MUCH more staggering & profound when the journey to behold it has been orchestrated, navigated & narrated by The Guide Himself. When it all comes down to it your life, your heart, your purpose & your calling come down to you & God. People will come & go. People are instrumental but not indispensable. God is the great gate keeper, the great author & the great finisher of our faith. When we give Him access to the tender places in our hearts we allow Him to do a work that no man can do. .
So don’t compare or contrast the journey anyone else is on. Maybe...just maybe..there is beauty, redemption, healing & joy waiting on the other side of YOUR surrender & YOUR trust. I’ll say it one last time in 2019: I would trade every last one of my plans for the remote possibility of being SURPRISED by God. Going into 2020 w/open hands and an available heart to new adventures. ✈️
P.S. God loves the underdog 🤘🏽

It’s not often I get to go back to the raw beginning: a piano, a lyric & the stirring of open hearts in a room. I will never cease to be amazed at how the Spirit moves through vulnerable moments to bring down walls so love & truth can make their way in. It’s beautiful & miraculous.
So I’m deeply grateful to have been a part of this kind of exchange at the @freedom_movement gathering w/my new friend @karriescottgarcia & her incredible team. Karrie is a powerhouse Speaker & Author & she, along w/the Org she founded are TRUE world changers. .
By some mystery of God’s kindness our paths crossed & I’m grateful the last few months of this decade were marked by a memory w/such kindred hearts. .
It’s rare...when you find people who make space for underdogs just like you. .
This conviction is at my core because I’m the kid who grew up in an Immigrant church on the backside of the barrio. We didn’t have much but we had God, the Gospel & each other. 4 albums later, as I sat at this piano & sang words of hope the weight of many moments of grace in my own life came full circle & I sang through thick reverence.
I’ve never been a master at making my own way. I’ve only prayed for eyes to discover the path that had already been lit for me & the courage to walk in it.
Of all the mysteries in the world one of the greatest is how God chooses unlikely people to be a part of His redemptive plan. We’re quick to disqualify ourselves & overwrite God’s choice of us but He’s not asking for our approval. He asking for our trust.
Our stories, the beauty & the tragedy are one of our greatest superpowers. Love is often the conduit it flows through & God, in the current of His goodness, carries it all where it needs to go. .
There are 49 days left in this decade & God is still in the work of transforming pain into purpose & wounds into wisdom. You are not too broken to be loved or too different to make a difference. This is my prayer over you as the year nears its end. “The dawn is coming open your eyes.” May it be so. .
PS I’ve had several ask for booking info. Check the new link in my profile for 2020/21.🖤 I’d love to meet you on the road. 🎥 @sharahaus

Here at the turn of the season it feels right to release this song, 1 of 3 new songs (!) releasing today as part of this current song series.
There’s something about the inevitability of change that makes what is constant in our lives all the more treasured.
The longer I live the more I believe we’re not here primarily for career, popularity or power. I believe we’re here for relationship & everything good flows from it. Life is a long search for those who will endure with us THROUGH the seasons. Many may accompany us in the glow of Summer but its the trouble of Winter that distinguishes acquaintances from true friends.
I believe deep in the 🖤 of every person there is a child asking this question: “Will you love me enough to stay?” For as long as I can remember this question has hummed in my 🖤 & there has always been One voice consistently echoing back a confident “Yes.”
I can’t explain it but before I could read, write or use language I sensed a REAL constant hovering love...I understood the language of PRESENCE. From dancing circles of golden Autumn leaves to silver silhouettes in the last light of Winter...He was there.
In seasons of wandering I lost my way in many a forest of fear but the light broke through at just the right time & grace, forever a well worn path, led me back home.
It feels impossible to describe a love that has loved every impossible place in me but if you’ve experienced it you know you don’t have to be perfect to experience perfect love.
Deep in the 🖤 of every person there’s a child asking: “will you love me enough to stay?”
I believe we’re all here to find the answer, vertically w/our Maker & horizontally w/others. This song isn’t just my story but a tribute to the treasure of relationship strong enough to endure the force of time & change. Real love not only endures but deepens through the seasons...”always protects...always perseveres.” 1 Cor 13:7 in every season. I hope this song helps you celebrate THIS kind of LOVE today.
🖤Thks to @sarahhartmusic | Co-writer
🎧 Lael & Austin Kursave | Production
🎥 Ben Roberts (song/vid link in profile)

Today’s my birthday 🎂 + I have more new music coming + I scored this T-shirt for $6! Those are my 3 TOP reasons to celebrate! And on this day as I share what I’ve learned from another trip around the ☀️...I’m 100% nostalgia. :
I’ve been thinking so much about faithfulness. I heard someone older than me say all the best things in his life were the result of years if not decades of faithfulness. As time passes I whole heartedly agree. .
My own journey with faithfulness began in the 90’s when Titanic ruled the box office, Alanis Morissette made Irony famous & The Fresh Prince of Bel Air taught us how to do the Carlton. It was the sunrise of my life & my creative light was JUST beginning to flicker. I didn’t have big dreams. I DID have the gift of humbling awkwardness. But oversized pink glasses & frizzy hair didn’t repel the still small voice. He spoke. He called. I surrendered.
John 15:16 says “You did not choose me, but I chose you...” Anyone with a genuine calling can confirm this is true. “Faithfulness”...has an ancient ring to it in a non-committal FOMO culture.
As I look back at this past year all my main takeaways flow straight from the question of what it truly means to be faithful. For me the answer is deep beneath the surface of the act & action & straight at the core of WHY. .
🔎 First, God’s faithfulness to us isn’t validated through earthly blessing. It is validated through His Son. When we define faithfulness by winning in life we confuse relationship with results. In turn, our faithfulness to Him isn’t measured by results either but by commitment to sincere relationship, everything flows from it. James 1:17
🔎 Secondly, God is a Master storyteller who often writes chapters of redemption on the heels of deep disappointment. Joseph said “You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position..” Gen 50:20 The One w/the bird’s eye view of life can be trusted. Faithfulness, surrender + trust flow directly from RELATIONSHIP.
Beautiful things line the horizon but all I want is to go back to the beginning. All I want to do is be faithful...for now I’m gonna go party like it’s 1999 🥳🎈🎂

“Grow” has been out in the world for a few weeks & I’m grateful to see it begin to take flight. So far it’s been streamed in 77 countries & been added to some amazing Christian & Mainstream playlists but when I was writing it I never imagined this was possible. I was just trying to find language for hope.
I always err on the side of privacy but I open the vault now to tell you the true story behind this song. Social media can be perception heavy so I offer the truth today to balance the scales.
While I’m living in the beauty of redemption now a series of significant losses once set the scene for the writing of this song. In 2015 my husband suffered from a sudden mental breakdown which is one reason the conversation surrounding Mental health is so important to me. He’s recovered...stronger than before but this was the most crippling season of our lives. The following year a routine procedure resulted in a freak accident & we were told my Dad would never walk again. His life has never been the same. In 2017 circumstances beyond our control resulted in a painful transition from our community of 14 yrs. The period at the end of this 3 yr sentence was the loss of 3 out of 5 North Star friendships in my life.
I was buried, but in the absence of answers & understanding God gave me what I truly needed; more of Himself. The light of my friendship with Him kept the buried seed of my 🖤alive & growing new roots in necessary places. .
Situations may crush you. People may leave. No one gets a free pass from pain but it’s against the character of God to abandon. “He is close to the broken hearted.” He uses darkness to grow our roots down deep where even the wild winds of life can’t touch the Love that holds us together. He sends the Sun & uses the rain to produce something beyond beautiful that will break through the surface at its proper time. .
I’d still be buried in pain without the light of the Gospel. ALL credit given where it is due.
So gratitude is all I have. No pride. Just sincere thankfulness & a passion to pass on this hope: Pain has a purpose and I have learned it is almost always an invitation to grow. 🌱 Onward friends.

N E W S I N G L E | 🌱 🌱GROW 🌱🌱 .
“Sometimes when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried but what if you’ve actually been planted.”
The impact of hearing these words sent me straight into the soul mines where every new song I write is born. .
Somewhere in between necessary endings & new beginnings there is always an invitation into transformation. .
Somewhere between the barrenness of Winter & the first burst of Spring there is a long sowing season. Roots GROW in the silent dark & only under divine observation because true transformation is never not an inside job first. .
When the ground of life seems barren the quiet is cultivating something new deep down in the untraceable places of the heart...if we have the courage to allow the Sower and the sowing season to do its work in us.
Trouble may sink the heart down like a seed but it’s planted with a PURPOSE: to develop a root system that will yield change, strength & beauty. This process grows us into the size of all we believe. .
And creation reminds us no season is final. (Eccl 3) Every Winter eventually bows to Spring. Seeds give way to roots. Roots give way to shoots. Shoots give way to blooms that unfold into the Summer Sun & Love lines every detail of resurrection & rising beauty. .
Still, even with all I’ve learned I’ll never pretend to understand why the rain falls on the evil & the good. I only know that Love is in the timing when the darkness develops our roots down deep & Love is in the moment when the time is right to push past the surface & feel the force of breaking NEW ground. I only know that to each of us the time will come when the rain has passed and we GROW upward & out...forward & FREE. .
Thanks for making such a personal song w/me @austinkursave & @lael_official 👏🏽
And so I send this song out today in stop motion because transformation is a process that takes time & oh if we could just remember this on days when we’d do anything to make the invisible work of change, visible.
I hope you listen with the windows down, the wind in your face & remember you’ve been planted with a purpose. It’s time to GROW.🖤 Links to full song in profile.

Tanya's gearing up for Album #3! Sign up here to be the first to receive updates and information about the new record and more.